

A Valor Award is given to an individual who, in the performance of a specific act, demonstrates great personal courage, while realizing that the slightest miscalculation would lead to grave personal injury or death. This act should be clearly beyond the requirements of a firefighter. Such an act should clearly demonstrate an act of bravery involving risk of injury or death. Such an act of this nature should result in the attempt to save a human life.

Applications for the Valor Award open annually on January 1st. All applications shall be received by e-mail or postmarked no later than April 1st.

Valor Award Application Form & Procedure


A Meritorious Award is given for a specific act involving either personal risk or exceptionally good judgement. The risk need not be of the extreme nature required for the Valor Award, but must be clearly beyond the normal requirements for firefighting. In cases involving good judgement, the action taken should be outstanding to the degree that highly undesirable consequences would occur, had not the action been taken.


A Unit Citation may be presented to a group of firefighters who act as a team in effecting a rescue involving human life.


A civilian Citation may be presented when a civilian voluntarily assists at a fire or emergency deemed beneficial to the fire service.


A program has been established to recognize any scout who achieves the Eagle Scout honor and is an active junior or cadet member of a Fire Department or if his parent, grandparent, or guardian is a member of the State Fire Chiefs Association.

The recognition will be the presentation of a certificate by an officer or trustee of the Association, when possible, at the Eagle Court of Honor. In circumstances where no Board member is available to make the presentation, the certificate will be sent to the Scout Master for presentation at the Court of Honor.

The process is initiated by a letter from a leader of the Scout Troop or the member of the Association whose child is to be recognized.

In November 2005, there was a presentation of a Certificate of Commendation to an Eagle Scout who is also a member of the
local fire brigade. There were many favorable comments received by the officers about this presentation. The Board of Directors
felt that an Association program that would recognize scouts who earn Eagle rank and have an association with the fire service
would be appropriate.

Accordingly, a program was established to recognize any scout who achieves the Eagle Scout honor and is an active junior or
cadet member of a Fire Department or if his parent, grandparent, or guardian is a member of the State Fire Chiefs Association.

The recognition will be the presentation of a certificate by an officer or trustee of the Association at the Eagle Court of Honor.
The process is initiated by a letter from a leader of the Scout Troop or the member of the Association whose child is to be
recognized. The letter must include:

• The name of the Scout,
• His address and phone,
• The name and address of the person making the request,
• The fire department membership of the Scout or the relationship to the Association member making the request, and
• The date, time, and location of the Court of Honor.
The attached form (below) can be used to make the request.
Requests should be sent to:

New Jersey State Fire Chiefs Association
Mr. Chris Assenheimer, Secretary
444 Central Ave.
Carlstadt, New Jersey 07072-1524
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

At least 30 days notice is necessary to prepare the certificate and schedule the presentation.

Eagle Scout Recognition Form